Spending time online is a wildly popular pastime, so there is no surprise that social media may play a role in your divorce. Avoiding these five social media mistakes may benefit your position in your Texas divorce. 1. Speaking negatively about your ex As you feel a...
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Family Law And Divorce
Is your spouse attempting to hide assets?
Asset hiding is one of the major known issues that may plague a couple during divorce. This is an act of deception where a spouse attempts to actively or passively hide the source or entirety of an asset. How do you know if your spouse is attempting to do this?...
4 tips to help you prepare for property division in your divorce
The more assets you have, the more overwhelming the prospect of property division might seem as you approach your divorce. Organization is key, so here are four tips to help you prepare and make property division a less onerous event. 1. Gather your documents The...
How Texas court characterizes property during divorce
Long-term marriages ending in divorce can be significantly more complex because they often involve more assets. As a community property state, the Texas court generally approaches asset division with the goal of providing equal shares of marital property to both...
How can you document your abuse to help your case?
Victims of domestic violence are often caught in a cycle that is difficult to get out of. While it is always important for a victim to listen to their instincts to determine if they are in danger, when possible, it is a good idea to document the abuse to help a legal...
Changing a Texas child support order
When parents divorce, the courts try to create a child support plan that covers the needs of children while still being affordable for the paying parent. However, as children grow and ex-spouses move on with their separate lives, both children’s needs and a parent’s...
Passport eligibility and child support arrears
It is important to familiarize yourself with the various penalties associated with failing to make child support payments on time. Whether you worry about the loss of your driving privileges, tax refund interception or suffering damage to your reputation, many...
Determining the best interests in child custody
Regarding custody disputes, the court determines your parenting plan based on your child's best interests. Your child needs to come before your feelings toward your ex or any other disputes you may have. Sometimes the best interests are not simple, however. Best...
3 actions to take before revealing your divorce plans
You ultimately decided that your marriage to your spouse is no longer salvageable, and you wish to terminate the relationship. Now that you are getting a divorce, you might wonder what steps to take first. Although the divorce process can seem overwhelming, prepare...
Who does joint custody work for?
Joint custody has many studies backing up the amount of good it could potentially do for children of divorce and their parents. However, just because it works for many people does not mean it works for everyone. Who does this type of custody work for? People with...