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Is long distance co-parenting feasible?

Co-parents decide to work together after a divorce in order to bring their children as much stability as possible. But what happens if one parent has to move?

This happens in many cases for numerous reasons, such as active military duty leave. But does co-parenting come to an end when a co-parent moves away?

Keeping communication healthy

Onward discusses making long distance co-parenting work. Fortunately, one co-parent moving does not signal the end of the co-parenting relationship or the joint parenting approach. Though these families will often face additional hardships and hurdles compared to co-parents who live in a close proximity to one another, they can still make it work.

One of the best ways to ensure that is by keeping avenues of communication open, especially between co-parents. In order to make the co-parenting experience as smooth as possible, both should almost always stay on the same page. To that end, communication is more important than ever when they cannot meet face to face.

Focusing on quality of time first

The approach to spending time with one’s children will also change. Quantity of time spent together will reduce without a doubt, so parents can instead focus on increasing quality of time.

There are many ways for parents to do this. First and foremost, a co-parent should show genuine interest and investment in their child’s life. Remember what is going on in school, who their friends are, and what they are into at the moment. Ask engaging questions.

Maintain reliable contact, too. Even if a parent cannot contact their children every single day, it is important to reach out as often as possible to establish oneself as a reliable contact point.
