Dallas Immigration Lawyer

Child Custody And Visitation: We Fight For Your Child’s Rights

In child custody and visitation issues, the “best interests of the child” is the legal standard. If you sense the welfare of your child is being jeopardized or you cannot come to an agreement in a child custody matter, we are here to help.

When you call our Dallas office at 214-504-1137, we’ll meet with you to guide you through the process and help you develop an approach plan to agreement.

Finding Middle Ground

When parties involved do not agree, resolving custody disputes in court can be time consuming, not to mention costly. If you cannot come to terms without intervention, mediation is an effective alternative to traditional methods through the court system. Our goal is to help you navigate the process smoothly, and expedite as quickly as possible.

In many instances, mediation will help you work out a solution that you can live with and trust. It is often much faster and more cost-effective than litigation. Also, people are often happier with result when they are in control of the process and feel that their input is valued and reflected in the ultimate agreement. If resolution is not met, and litigation is required, we have represented hundreds of families to find a mutually agreeable solution.

Your Visitation Rights

Typically, the non-custodial parent is granted visitation rights unless the court feels that such visits would be detrimental to your child.

As a custodial or non-custodial parent, your child visitation agreements are critical and should be enforced. If you feel that the visitation agreement is not fair and equitable, we will help you protect your rights and create the best visitation agreement for your child.

Contact An Experienced Family Lawyer

Don’t allow your custody and visitation proceedings to go unprepared. Irene Mugambi, principal family law attorney will interpret the laws, help you prepare so you’re not caught off guard and put you in the driver’s seat. Call 214-504-1137 or complete our contact form to e-mail us. We proudly serve Dallas and north Texas communities. Se habla español.