Dallas Immigration Lawyer

Green Card Removal Of Conditions

Conditional green cards are granted to immigrants married to United States citizens who are seeking to establish residence in the U.S. The conditional green cards can also cover the children of these individuals. The condition of marriage applies to these temporary green cards for two years, meaning that during those two years, the couple must show evidence that they are married in good faith.

After those two years are completed, the couple can jointly file to have the conditions removed, making the green card permanent. If the marriage ends after the two-year period, the noncitizen spouse can still self-petition to have the conditions removed. This can be a difficult process and needs to be handled by an experienced attorney.

Immigration Services uses this two-year period of time to weed out fraudulent marriages. Because of this, you may be denied a permanent green card if you do not supply sufficient evidence that you were married in good faith. It is critical that you have an attorney who understands exactly what must be provided as evidence of the marriage.

Avoiding Mistakes That Can Result In A Denial

At the Law Office of Irene G. Mugambi, P.C., we work with couples to help them assemble proof of their marriage and avoid common mistakes that could result in a denial. This petition must be filed 90 days before the expiration of the conditional green card. Our lawyers will help you complete the appropriate forms, including Form I-751, and put together the evidence you need to prove that you were married in good faith.

This is usually an administrative process, and we will see to it that all details are covered, protecting you. We will also appear with you for any hearings or interviews that must be conducted.

Contact Us For Comprehensive Legal Help With Green Card Matters

To learn more about how we can help you remove the conditions of the green card and achieve a permanent green card, please call our Dallas firm today at 214-504-1137. You may also contact us online.