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Successfully Resolving Uncontested Divorce Matters

In the state of Texas, a couple can file for an uncontested divorce, moving past all negotiations and expediting the entire process. The spouses must agree on every element of the divorce, including child custody, visitation, support and property division.

The Process For Uncontested Filing Of Divorce

One spouse will initially begin the paperwork to begin the process. After the other spouse signs all relevant documents, the divorce can be filed. The state requires a 60-day cooling-off period that the couple must wait before finalizing the divorce. At the end of this period, the couple will appear before a family court judge who will approve the agreement that the couple has made and will complete the divorce.

Protect Your Interests

While this may be the most efficient and inexpensive path to a divorce, it is still important that you speak with an attorney to review the details of the agreement you’ve made with your spouse. Once the divorce is finalized, you may not go back and revise certain details, including property division. Even the elements which can be modified require lengthy petitions and fall under certain regulations.

The final divorce agreement will frame the next chapter of your life, both financially and in your relationship with your children. To make sure that you are fully protected, take the time to review the proposed agreement with a knowledgeable attorney. At the Law Office of Irene G. Mugambi, P.C., our lawyers will take the time to sit down with you and review the terms of the agreements, and provide you with a clear understanding of how each point will impact you and your children.

Contact Us For Skilled Guidance Through The Divorce Process

To learn more about how we can help you complete an uncontested and low-cost divorce, please contact a lawyer at our Dallas firm today by calling 214-504-1137. You may also contact us online.